The most effective remedy for inflammation of the prostate gland in men

Men regardless of age are prone to many diseases, is one of the most serious, agonizing, and painful, is inflammation of the prostate gland - prostatitis. The most important treatment is an effective cure for inflammation of the prostate gland. It is necessary at the first symptoms of inflammation of the contact the urologist to define the stage of the disease and its cause, appointed corresponding treatment.

what is prostatitis

What is prostatitis

Prostatitis - this is purely a male disease, an inflammatory process of the prostate. Diseases of the prostate suffer from eight percent of the male population, pharmacists always have them in pharmacies available effective drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. The u.s. national institute of health divides the disease into four basic phases: acute, chronic bacterial, chronic (persistent pain in the pelvic area), and asymptomatic prostatitis. Prostatitis often accompanies the disease, such as vesiculitis and urethra, while older men may undergo the formation of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Non-transferable prostatitis

This kind of disease is the most common. He can be exposed to men with weak immunity. Non-transferable prostatitis can be the result of hypothermia, a sedentary and sedentary way of life, arise in the reduction of physical load, due to the long abstinence from sex life, or, conversely, excessive sexual activity. Alcohol - is also a source that helps the development of inflammation of the prostate gland. An effective remedy for inflammation of the prostate gland in men, ill not be transferable by the doctor prescribes, but a man alone for the prevention should avoid going out in winter without extra pants, measure to lead a sexual life, do not abuse alcohol, visit the gym.

Infectious prostatitis

This kind of inflammation of the prostate most often contribute to the disease, which is transmitted sexually. These are different viruses, bacteria, bacteria. Also the culprit of the disease can become a long-standing process of inflammation in the men of other organs - this is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, tonsillitis and diseases of the kidney. It is necessary to start treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. The most effective drugs against the disease should be taken with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. If prostatitis was the result of the disease sexually, then you need treatment together with a partner, to avoid re-infection. An effective remedy for inflammation of the prostate infectious - it is the prevention and safety. Treat all the inflammation in a timely manner, keep to one sexual partner, use the means of protection. It's the easiest way to avoid the disease.

Symptoms of inflammation of the prostate

Frequent urination, painful or uncomfortable - the first sign of inflammation of the prostate gland. It is accompanied by a feeling that the bladder is not completely empty, in the lower abdomen will appear burning and pain. If during ejaculation there are painful sensations in the rectum, then it's also a symptom of inflammation of the prostate gland. Also can be a weak erection, loss of desire of sexual intimacy. Men, sick inflammation of the prostate, characterized by increased nervousness, anxiety. When such inflammation may be chills, fever, increased sweating. If you showed at least one of the symptoms, do not pull, go to the doctor. The disease itself will not disappear, it should be an effective remedy for inflammation of the prostate gland in the early stages.

medications from the inflammation of the prostate

Folk remedies of inflammation of the prostate

Many doctors advise men to treat prostatitis, not only medicines, but also to use folk methods. The most effective remedy for inflammation of the prostate will be much more effective if to help him in the fight against the disease using the recipes of his grandmother. To be able to use one method or the other, consult with your doctor, to not hurt.

An effective remedy for inflammation of the prostate from pharmacy

To recover from inflammation of the prostate, it is necessary to honestly go through the entire course prescribed by the doctor. Effective remedy for chronic inflammation of the prostate or the menu should contain many elements. It's antibacterial effect, anti-inflammatory (medications from the inflammation of the prostate necessarily contains an antibiotic, but your doctor may prescribe injections of another), the medication relaxing the muscles of the prostate, pain medication. During treatment it is necessary to give up alcohol, avoid cold and drafts, to refrain from sexual activity during the whole course.


Many wonder about what an effective remedy for inflammation of the prostate gland to purchase. Doctor writing prescription, can prescribe medication, expensive, that may be cost-prohibitive. Then you can take advantage of alpha-blockers - is it drugs that help relax the prostate muscles, remove pain, alleviate urination. The effect of the drug is aimed only at removing the unpleasant symptoms, but left untreated it prostatitis.

Also need to be purchased antispasmodics. These pills are very strong, quick to have an analgesic effect.

Muscle relaxers

Them worth it to buy to eliminate the pain in the crotch area. They are aimed at relaxation of the muscles, urethra and bladder. With their help, the pain will be less, and urination easier. It's not a mandatory item, but for it to help by yourself, it is easier to transfer the disease, it is worth it to spend and obtain.

exercises when inflammation of the prostate

Herbal remedies for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate

In pharmacies, there are many medications from the inflammation of the prostate gland on a herbal basis, a course of treatment will be for about a month with proper use. Carefully read the instructions before you begin treatment. In any case you cannot exceed the dosage.

If it is not possible to buy ready-made herbal, herbs can be purchased in pharmacies separately, cook on the basis of decoctions and tinctures at home. Consult the right herbs, spices, and the bumps will help the doctor and pharmacist in a pharmacy, herbs are sold freely, without the need to extract a prescription from a doctor. The strongest decoction for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland - it is a decoction of the flowers of tansy, wormwood, succession, yarrow leaves, st. john's wort, the root of elecampane and hop the bumps. You can add the celandine, nettle leaves, raspberries and cranberries. All the components are taken in equal parts, grind to a pulp. Four or five spoonfuls of the mixture need to pour a liter of boiling water, insist night. Strain, drink one third of a cup three times a day, for half a year. More effective will accept and medications, do not rely only on herbs.

Recipes of folk medicine to treat inflammation of the prostate

The easiest way to get rid of inflammation of the prostate knew our grandmother and grandfather, because in their time it wasn't finished pharmaceuticals to treat prostate cancer. They had to invent their own methods, governed by centuries-old traditions and skills of their ancestors. And because we all are alive and well, we can cope with this suffering.

The first recipe is quite simple: half a kilo of pumpkin seeds skip through a meat grinder together with peel, add two hundred grams of natural honey, knead the dough. From this mash you must make small balls, about the size of no more nuts to remove in the cold for forty minutes. Before each meal, about half an hour, eat one bead. It is necessary to very thoroughly and slowly chew and swallow. Such dough is enough for a whole course of treatment - this is the most powerful medicine of the people's production for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland.

Honey candles for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland: the major raw chicken egg mixed with a teaspoon of natural honey is added to rye flour to the dough. From this mass roll inch sticks - candles. Remove in the freezer, and every morning and evening, after the descended toilet, insert a candle into the rear passage. Treated by this method from the inflammation of the prostate a month. Through weekly break course repeat.

Parsley from the inflammation of the prostate: seeds of parsley in the number of four teaspoons of pour a glass of boiling water, put on a small fire and cook for fifteen minutes. Once the broth has cooled, strain and take before meals tbsp of a decoction of the, up to six times a day. This treatment continued for a period of one week, this time quite a bit. In addition to the treatment of inflammation of the prostate this decoction promotes the restoration of male power, even in advanced age!

people's grass when inflammation of the prostate

Chestnut shells along with thorns it is necessary to grind, take three tablespoons and pour half a liter of boiling water, to insist night, in the morning drain and on the water-bath, evaporate the decoction to two hundred grams. Take thirty drops three times a day, on an empty stomach. When the decoction is over - break month, repeat the treatment.

Hazel will help to cope with inflammation of the prostate: ten sprigs of hazel directly with leaves put into the enamel dishes, pour water so that the branches hid. Bring to a boil and cook for twenty minutes. Take a decoction to this, as he acquires a reddish hue, then again put on fire. When the broth becomes hot, then drain and pour into a bowl, put on a water bath. Breathe the vapour of this decoction of maybe fifteen minutes a day. Week as by the inhalation route will be enough to prostatitis passed.